Season of Change

I’m officially an empty nester. 

Over the last 20 years of being a stay-at-home mom, I had many moments where I fantasized about what it would be like to not have kids underfoot. Free is how I imagined I would feel. Finally, I’d have a chance to focus solely on my goals and desires. 

I never imagined the quiet, or the strange sense of something missing.  

That will take some getting used to. 

As I find myself in the middle of this transition, it feels ironic that we are heading into fall. Fall represents a time when shifts occur---life is changing. It's time to prepare for what is to come, time to focus inward. 

So I’m taking the cue from nature and turning inward--experiencing the quiet, feeling emotions, and finding balance as I navigate my way through the winter of this transition. 

Fall also means that we are nearing the end of event season at Magic Tree Sanctuary. The last planned events for 2021 will be happening in September and October. If you could use some quiet time in nature to focus inward and renew your soul, the Unplug & Recharge day retreat on September 18th is a perfect opportunity.  You can learn more about that and all upcoming events here

Otherwise, consider this note a reminder to live fully in the present moment and soak in the experience of whatever life season you find yourself in.

Forest Love,


Notice that autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature.  - Friedrich Nietzsche


Love All Around


Holly Tree